Reaching out with relevance

An abacus. Source: Pixabay, photo: Willfried Wende

Berlin, Germany (Münzenberg Medien). For those who consider relevance as irrelevant: here and now our reach and a bit of data.

With the publications of the media house Munzenberg Medien we reach out successfully to over 200,000 users every 30-day stretch.

We succeed in this with the publications in which lots of news is published every day, including the newspaper and the journal or better said the international, multilingual news and info portal

Also with the magazines

Plus the magazines

And other sites or pages in the world network such as

In addition, there are a total of over 10,000 newsletter recipients, most of which are sent on a weekly basis.

Social media followers are also slowly but surely increasing. There are hundreds here and thousands there, lots of fans and friends.

If you look at the entire media reach out then, we figure that we now have up to 300,000 users every 30-day stretch, or per month.